Sunday, March 9, 2014

With All Good Intentions

"Plans are only good intentions unless they degenerate into hard work."- Peter Drucker

This winter for most of us has proven to be a challenge to get in workouts, particularly running workouts.  I can say with 100% certainty that I do not like to run inside; either on a track or on a treadmill.  In fact, I can say with 100% certainty that if the only choice is to run inside, I will not run.  On the other hand, I can conjure up the courage to jump in the pool with -40 windchill outside, or hop on my bike for a 2 hour Sufferfest video while a snow storm is raging outside.

Because of my choices, guess which sport has suffered?  Yep, my running.  I am sad because of this.  I used to love to run.  It is where I got my inspiration, my courage, my friendships.  I have fallen out of love with running.  Is it because I have gotten slower?  Perhaps.  Is it because I am still struggling to recover from an injury from October 2012?  Probably.  Is it because I am embarrassed of my running?  Yes.  

I used to love to run with a group of 10-12 people.  Now, I have to talk myself into running with my husband and my running partner of 10 years.  I'm afraid that I am 'bringing them down' to my pace.  I never used to worry about such things.  Some days I was faster and some days I was slower.  It just didn't matter.

But then one day it did.  I don't know what happened, but I feel out of love with running and became ashamed of how I ran.  I got frustrated and mad.  And I have stayed mad at my running and myself.

I was no slacker of a runner.  I have been running since 1998.  Since then I have run countless 5Ks and 10K races.  I have run more than 50 half marathons and 12 marathons.  Today, I seriously doubt if I have another marathon in me.  I never used to think that way.

What to do?  Being my Type A self, I have devised a plan.  Here it is:
  • Try to run 1000 miles in one year by running virtually to Charleston, SC from Chicago.  I am way behind schedule on this and am trying to make up some time.  Right now, I am 10 miles north of Kentland, IN.
  • Attend the Speedwork Information Session at Golden Legs Racing on Tuesday, March 18th.  I haven't done speedwork in a while.  It might be fun to shake things up a bit and try something new with running.
  • Signing up for races with friends and family.
  • If my recovery goes well, then I may consider a fall marathon with X-t.  It would be his first.
Hopefully, this will not be just good intentions, but some hard work and fun along the way.

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