Friday, January 31, 2014

Monthly Motivations

“Wine is one of the most civilized things in the world and one of the most natural things of the world that has been brought to the greatest perfection, and it offers a greater range for enjoyment and appreciation than, possibly, any other purely sensory thing.” - Ernest Hemingway

Doesn't this look cozy?

Let's face it.  This winter has been very challenging.  If it isn't bone freezing cold, then we are getting dumped on with snow.  It makes a girl just want to crawl up in a ball on the couch with a nice glass of red wine (Cryptic Red Wine, preferably) and a roaring fire in the fireplace. 

But that isn't how I roll.  Instead, I have been inspired by these monthly challenges.  In December, X-t and I did the 100 mile challenge, which was to run 100 miles between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  We also did the plank challenge in December too.  

In January, it was the "Brazen Ab Challenge".  

Now, you would think that two months of ab workouts would have my abs look like the ones in the Brazen Ab Challenge, but alas that 6-pack is still in the cooler.

Tomorrow, I start my February Challenge: Lose the Love Handles.  We will get the 6-pack out the cooler yet!

Challenge Courtesy of

I do these challenges in addition to my off-season triathlon training.  This is my off-season training looks like:

Monday: Run 6 miles, Yoga class
Tuesday: Interval training on the bike, 30 minute home yoga
Wednesday: Training to Tri class
Thursday: Strength training (climbing video) on the bike, 30 minutes home yoga
Friday:  Swim, Run 5 miles
Saturday:  Long run between 6-12 miles 
Sunday: Swim, Yoga class

Next week's blog:  The Gory Details of the Tour of Sufferlandria!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Mission I'm Possible

"Good morning Ms. Frey.  Your mission, should you choose to accept it will be to run from Chicago to Charleston, South Carolina. As always, should you or any of your I.M. Force be caught or killed the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This tape will self-destruct in five seconds.  Good luck Lisa."

Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, X-t and I participated in a Ho Ho Holiday Challenge.  The challenge was to run 100 miles between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  It was a great way to stay motivated through the holiday season.  

So we were thinking…how could we challenge ourselves throughout the year?  There are a lot of great challenges out there to participate in, but we wanted a good reward too.  We decided to run 1,000 miles this year.  Using Google Maps, we charted a course that would take us someplace 1,000 miles for a vacation.  Charleston, South Carolina is 1,001 miles away and looks like a pretty nice place to take a vacation.  We are going to make it a car trip and follow the route that we ran.  

For every mile that we run, we are going to put a dollar in the savings account.  By the time the challenge is over we will have saved $2,000 for our trip.  I am currently 20 miles into the trip and have saved $20.  On the map, it shows that I am in Park Ridge, IL. X-t is a little behind me since he only runs outside.  

I will give you a report on my progress every now and then so as to keep you updated as to where I am and to keep me honest...

How are you motivating yourself in the new year?  

Saturday, January 4, 2014

I resolve in 2014 to...

"My New Year's resolution list starts with the desire to lose ten to three thousand pounds." Nia Vardalos


Every year I have my list of races to do and a list of resolutions.  This year, I thought I would share them with you.  In past years, my resolutions have included losing weight (like that happened) and moisturizing (this actually was a successful resolution!).  

In 2014 I intend to race:
Gaspirilla Distance Classic  in Tampa Bay: 15K race on 2/22, 1/2 Marathon on 2/23.
Indianapolis Mini Marathon: my 15th consecutive running on this race on 5/3.
RAGNAR: my first relay race with some of my closest friends the weekend of June 6th.
Route 66 Half Ironman: my 4th time doing a Half Ironman and my first visit to Springfield, IL on 7/26.
Dairyland Dare: a fun, hilly bike ride near Dodgeville, WI.
Madison Open Water Swim following by one loop of the Wisconsin Ironman bike course.  This is a test to see if I REALLY want to attempt an Ironman in 2015.
I also may throw in a fall marathon if I am feeling up to it.  If I do decide to do one, I will probably do the Des Plaines River Trail Marathon on 10/18.

As for my resolutions, I only have one:
Stop worrying.  I worry about money, time, weight, people liking me, everything.  It is a supreme waste of time and energy. I resolve enjoy the present moment and let events unfold rather than worrying about them.  

My wish to you is a happy and healthy New Year!  May you achieve your goals and resolutions and make this the best year yet!