Monday, June 25, 2012

Tri Training Recap

"Swim like you're gonna drown, ride like you stole it, run like they're chasing you"- Unknown

This is the only time I will let myself be photographed in a wetsuit.  Notice the strategically placed noodles.  This was taken at last year's Danskin in Pleasant Prairie where I volunteered as a swim angel.
We are getting into the final weeks of training for 1/2 Ironman Racine.  This week I resumed training at my usual intensity after finishing up the antibiotic/steroid regimen to get rid of that nasty sinus infection.  Here is last week's recap of training:
Monday- Yoga (no biking because of high wind warning)
Tuesday- 5-mile run
Wednesday- 1-mile open water swim
Thursday- 5-mile run
Friday- 10-mile run, yoga
Saturday- 30-minute swim
Sunday- Racine dress rehearsal

Sunday, my 1/2 Ironman training buddies and I took a field trip to Racine to get a swim in Lake Michigan and bike part of the course.  We got in 30-miles on the bike.  The course is really nice and rural- the only thing that I am nervous about on the bike is the small hill you need to go up from transition.  After the bike, we took a quick dip in Lake Michigan to get a feel for the water.  And felt the water we did!  The water temperature was 58 degrees!  We attempted to 'swim' but our faces about froze off!  We are going to attempt to get another swim session in on July 4th in Racine.  It's funny; my biggest worry was the bike.  My biggest worry is always the bike.  It's never the swim.  The swim is my strongest leg of the race.  After Sunday, my biggest worry is the swim in Racine because of the water temperature.  I hope I don't freeze to death!

3 Questions:
1)  Why did you start doing triathlons?
I started to get bored with running.  I knew eventually I would injure or burn myself out because all I was doing was running all of the time.  I thought I would mix it up and try triathlons.

2) What distance of triathlons do you like?
Actually, I like all distances-sprints, Olympic and 1/2 Ironman.  I think each distance has something to offer- sort of like the varying distances of running.

3)  What is your favorite running distance?
I really do enjoy running marathons.  Mostly because of all of the crazy people you meet.  Everyone has an interesting story out on the course.  I like how the race reveals itself to you.  At the start you just never know what type of a day you are going to have.  One tiny thing can unravel into a big issue in a marathon- it is how you deal with it that determines what kind of race you are going to have.

Monday, June 18, 2012

It's Hot! Hydrate!

"I got this powdered water and I don't know what to add."- Steven Wright

I love to drink my water out of my new Fiesta Tervas glasses!

It's summertime and today starts a heatwave in the Midwest.  If you are like me, you are in the midst of some heavy-duty training for an upcoming race.  This is where a lot of us get into trouble with training- not hydrating enough and not taking in enough electrolytes.  If not hydrating correctly, you can easily get heat stroke or heat exhaustion.  If not taking in enough electrolytes, you will start cramping.  You do not want to find yourself in either situations, especially out in the middle of nowhere.

I drink a liter of water a day, minimum.  I was trained by my mom to drink water to get clear skin and to keep full during the day when I was in high school. No Cokes for me- I was banned from them because I was a fat kid. The trend continued into college and in my working career.  I am fortunate to love water.  
My funky 1-L Sigg water bottle for work
When training, I stick to water.  I tried Gatorade and HEED with disastrous results- they give me 'runner's trots'.  My usual routine for a long run is to take an Endurolyte tablet before the long run, then pop one every hour of training.  If it is hot outside, like it is today, I will pop 2 tablets before the long run.  During the run, I try to take a sip of water every 15-20 minutes.  If I get thirsty, I know I am getting in trouble.  

Recovery hydration for me is still water.  Chris, my husband, likes to replenish his electrolytes with a can of V8 after a hot run.  Keep sipping that water until your pee is a pale yellow color.  Happy kidneys=Happy you!

Running or swimming, I have a good handle on my hydration.  I run into problems hydrating on the bike.  If anyone has any good suggestions on hydrating on the bike, I would LOVE to hear about it.

Here is to good hydration!

Last Week's Training Log

Monday: Yoga, Open water swimming drills with Training for Tri group
Tuesday: 4-mile run
Wednesday: Regressed on the sinus infection- rest day
Thursday: 4-mile run, yoga
Friday: 27-mile bike, yoga
Saturday: 7-mile run (should have been 9 miles but felt crappy from new antibiotics)
Sunday: 30-mile bike, 60-minute run (still felt crappy but banged it out)

3 things I am grateful for:
1) I am grateful that I got better antibiotics from the doctor on Friday so I can kick this sinus infection to the curb!
2) I am grateful that Chris and I took time for preventative bike maintenance yesterday.
3) I am grateful that there are some awesome strawberries from the Mundelein Farmer's Market. A healthy dessert after dinner!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday Fun Food

"Sleep 'til you're hungry, eat 'til you're sleepy."- Author unknown

Today is the Mundelein Farmer's Market.  Fortunately, Chris has summer hours and has Friday afternoons off from work.  This allows us to go to the farmer's market then grocery shopping to get our week's worth of groceries.  Since there is a lot of produce that is available now, I thought I would share one of our favorite salads- Tuna Nichoise.  It is easy to make and good for you!  Most of this salad came from produce we got at the farmer's market or from our neighbor.  Here are the ingredients:

Head of lettuce or mixed greens- we got ours from the neighbor
1Tomato- from farmer's market
1/2 lb- Green Beans- from farmer's market
5 small white potatoes- from farmer's market
1/2 c.- chopped pitted kalamata olives (grocery store)
6.4 oz of tuna (grocery store)
Reduced Fat Salad Dressing - according to your taste.

Lay your bed of greens down in the bowl.  Boil potatoes until almost done (about 15-minutes).  The last 5-minutes of the potato boil, add green beans.  Drain green beans and potatoes and cool.  Cut up potato into bite size pieces.  Arrange potatoes and green beans in the bowl on lettuce.  Dice tomato and chop the kalamata olives.  Arrange in bowl.  Finally, plop your tuna in the middle!  Add salad dressing according to your taste.  

It's a quick and easy weeknight dinner that looks visually pleasing (impress your friends or family).  It goes great with a glass of Sauvignon Blanc.

Things that are available at the market this week: Strawberries, red raspberries, cucumbers, green beans, sugar snap peas, onions, beets, turnips, radishes, swiss chard, kale, broccoli, arugula and PIE!  

Three things I am grateful for today:
1) Going to the doctor and getting antibiotics to finally nip this sinus infection in the bud!
2) Early morning bike ride with some buddies
3) Wine and dinner out on the deck.

Monday, June 11, 2012

"Determination gives you the resolve to keep going in spite of the roadblocks that lay before you."- Denis Waitley
Me at the Top of the World in Trempealeau County Wisconsin last fall

Today was supposed to be an update on how training is going for the Racine 1/2 Ironman.  Not much training was going on last week because of the course of antibiotics banned me from swimming and keeping training at a low burn rather than it's usual intensity.  This is what I did last week:

Monday- Yoga and bike clinic at Training to Tri
Tuesday- Run 5 miles
Wednesday- Rest day
Thursday- Run 5 miles and yoga
Friday- Bike 24 miles and yoga
Saturday and Sunday- Off 

This week I am going to get back into the usual intensity.  I have 4 weeks to go before the big race.  I believe that with the spring marathon in Carmel, IN and Indy Mini, I  should have enough endurance base to get me through the race.  I need to really focus on transitions, the swim and my nemesis, the bike.

Having a setback during training always provides a teaching lesson.  The lesson, as in this case, is patience to get better.  If you allow your body to completely heal, then you can get back on schedule a lot quicker.   There are so many times that I 'felt' better, so I started back on my training routine only to extend an illness or injury far longer than if I had just waited a couple of more days and allowed my body to heal.  A very hard lesson to learn, especially if you don't have patience, like me!

3 things I am grateful for today:

1) All of my buddies who competed in the SIS Try in Vincennes, IN and SheROX in Naperville, IL- you inspire me!

2) I am grateful that I am able to swim tonight (if the weather allows it!)

3) I am grateful that the house is clean!

Friday, June 8, 2012

"If I can bicycle, I bicycle"- David Attenborough
My Trek 7.2 FX ride
I am fortunate enough to be able to commute by bike to work.  I usually commute by bike on average two days a week.  My commute is 11-miles one way and is a mix of road and bike paths.  Fortunately, I only have to cross two busy intersections on my commute.

Some tricks and tips to commuting by bike to work:
  • I commute on Tuesdays and Wednesdays so I try to bring in my clothes for those two days on a day that I will be driving to work.
  • I have a 'clean up' bag at work.  The bag includes: Baby wipes, deodorant, hair brush, hair spray and makeup.  I don't have a shower at work, so using baby wipes are a great to clean up!
  • I do have panniers for my bike.  The ones that I like are from Banjo Brothers.  Things I bring in my panniers are: my lunch and my change of clothes if I can't get my act together.
  • I have lights on my bike and use them for my commute.
Commuting by bike to work is a great way to:
  • Save money on gas!  I fill up my truck every other week now rather than every week.
  • Great cross training for triathlons.  I didn't realize how much easier it is to ride my Trek Madone 4.5 after commuting on my 7.2!
  • A wonderful transition to get into work mode on the way to work.  On the way home, it is a great way to destress and leave all of the work woes at work.  Work woes seem to follow me home when I drive to work.
  • It takes your fitness level up another notch!

If you can figure a safe route to work, why not try to commute by bike one day?  You might find (as I have found) that going to work can be fun!

Three things I am grateful for today:
1) A wonderful 24-mile bike ride with Karen, Nancy and Chris this morning.  
2) Going to see my mom this weekend!
3) Finally feeling better from this sinus infection- I feel almost human!

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Leon's that Wasn't

"Anytime you suffer a setback or disappointment, put your head down and plow ahead."- Les Brown

Today I was supposed to do a race report of Leon's World Fastest Triathlon, but my body had other plans for me.  That is what I get for going on vacation for a week, resuming training like I didn't go on vacation and not allowing my body to calibrate back to Central Time.  My body revolted and I got a nice sinus infection, which has left me not to exercise since last Tuesday.  Instead of fretting and whining about what happened, I am letting my body heal and sliding back into training a bit slower.  Can't change the past.

So, today's blog is going to be about pre-race meals.  If I am staying at home, my favorite pre-race meal is Penne with Creamy Walnut Sauce.  This recipe comes from my Moosewood Restaurant Low-Fat Favorites cookbook.  Here is the recipe:

10 oz. of fresh spinach
1/2 cup toasted walnuts
2 cups of fat-free cottage cheese
1 garlic clove
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
1/4 cup of loosely packed basil
1/2 teaspoon of salt
ground black pepper to taste
8 oz. of penne
1 big crown of broccoli

Bring a large part of water to a rapid boil.

While the water heats, wilt the spinach and toast the walnuts.

In a food processor, puree the garlic and Parmesan cheese.

To the garlic and Parmesan cheese ambrosia, add the basil and cottage cheese and puree.

Finally, add the wilted spinach and walnuts with salt and pepper to taste.

Look and this yummy green creamy sauce!

By this time the water should be at a rolling boil, add your penne pasta to the pot.  When there is 5 minutes remaining for the pasta to cook, add in your mess of broccoli.

Drain the pasta and broccoli and place in a large serving bowl.  Combine your yummy green creamy sauce and voila you have a wonderful, belly-tolerating pre-race meal!
It does look green and goopy, but trust me, this stuff is good and good for you!

If I am racing out of town, I usually opt for a small green salad and pasta marinara.  I do have a glass of wine with dinner to settle my nerves and relax me so I can get a good nights rest before the race.

What is your favorite pre-race meal?  

Three things I am grateful for today.
1) My health- without it, you have nothing.
2) Training for Tri group at the Mundelein Park District- tonight is the first night of the new session!
3) Antibiotics- I am starting to feel well enough to ease back into training!  Thank you Alexander Fleming!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Introducing Sturdy Girl!

Definition of Sturdy:
Adjective: (of a person or their body) Strongly and solidly built.
Synonym: strong-robust-firm-stout-stalwart-lusty-tough

This is me last week, extremely jet-lagged on our vacation of a lifetime to Paris.

Welcome to my new blog: Chronicles of Sturdy Girl Lisa!  So, what is this blog all about?  It is about the trials, tribulations, celebration and fun that comes with training and competing in endurance events.  It is my intent that you find something useful in this blog to help you with training and competing or to inspire you to do something that absolutely scares the sh*t out of you that leads you to soar to new heights and conquer a fear.

Topics that we will discuss in this blog will include: running, biking, swimming, yoga, triathlons, road race reports, training tips and the struggle with nutrition during training and racing.  If you aren't struggling with nutrition, please share your tricks and tips!  

This weekend, I am going to be competing in Leon's World Fastest Triathlon in Hammond, IN.  This is the second time I have competed in this race.  I had a great time racing it last year and I hope to improve my time this year.  I will be giving a race report on Monday.

Thanks for visiting my blog!  Please share your experiences with me and enjoy the journey.

Three things I am grateful for today:

1) It's Race Weekend- bring on Leon's!
2) Mundelein Farmers Market opens today.  In future blog posts, I will be featuring the fresh produce from the market and guest blogger Chef Chris will be making some delicious food with it.
3) You!