Friday, June 8, 2012

"If I can bicycle, I bicycle"- David Attenborough
My Trek 7.2 FX ride
I am fortunate enough to be able to commute by bike to work.  I usually commute by bike on average two days a week.  My commute is 11-miles one way and is a mix of road and bike paths.  Fortunately, I only have to cross two busy intersections on my commute.

Some tricks and tips to commuting by bike to work:
  • I commute on Tuesdays and Wednesdays so I try to bring in my clothes for those two days on a day that I will be driving to work.
  • I have a 'clean up' bag at work.  The bag includes: Baby wipes, deodorant, hair brush, hair spray and makeup.  I don't have a shower at work, so using baby wipes are a great to clean up!
  • I do have panniers for my bike.  The ones that I like are from Banjo Brothers.  Things I bring in my panniers are: my lunch and my change of clothes if I can't get my act together.
  • I have lights on my bike and use them for my commute.
Commuting by bike to work is a great way to:
  • Save money on gas!  I fill up my truck every other week now rather than every week.
  • Great cross training for triathlons.  I didn't realize how much easier it is to ride my Trek Madone 4.5 after commuting on my 7.2!
  • A wonderful transition to get into work mode on the way to work.  On the way home, it is a great way to destress and leave all of the work woes at work.  Work woes seem to follow me home when I drive to work.
  • It takes your fitness level up another notch!

If you can figure a safe route to work, why not try to commute by bike one day?  You might find (as I have found) that going to work can be fun!

Three things I am grateful for today:
1) A wonderful 24-mile bike ride with Karen, Nancy and Chris this morning.  
2) Going to see my mom this weekend!
3) Finally feeling better from this sinus infection- I feel almost human!

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