Monday, January 14, 2013

Weighing In

“In two decades I've lost a total of 789 pounds. I should be hanging from a charm bracelet.”
 - Erma Bombeck
The Enemy.

Hello Dear Readers-

Yes, I did it.  I stepped on the scale Friday.  I shouldn't have done it.  I am the heaviest I have ever been.  You know what?  I don't care any more.  

I eat healthfully.  I track every morsel of food that goes into my pie-hole.  I eat a mostly vegetarian diet.  I drink two glasses of wine every night and I am not going to stop because I enjoy it.  

I exercise every day.  Here is last week's routine:

Monday: Yoga
Tuesday: Speed work 8x400s with a mile warm up and a mile cool-down
Wednesday: Training to Tri- swim and bike
Thursday: Run 4 miles, Sufferfest Climb
Friday: Swim 1800 yds., yoga
Saturday: Run 10 miles
Sunday: Swim 2100 yds., yoga

I started training from the Kentucky Derby Marathon last week. 

April 27th- my 13th Marathon!  
I finally came to the realization that I would rather be healthy and be able to complete marathons and triathlons, than to worry about a stupid number on a scale.  I am TRUSTING my body to tell me what fuel is going to power me.  By the way, BBQ doesn't work well with speed work.  I learned that lesson last Tuesday.  

Life is too short.  Enjoy moving your body, exercising your mind, fueling your body and playing with friends. 

Changing subjects...
I finished by 40-day headstand challenge.  I am enjoying it so much that I have decided to extend it to a 100 days. 
One of the many photos with Bakon.  More Bakon headstand photos to come- promise!
For me the headstand is meditation.  It gives me time to quiet my mind and focus on my breath.  I must stay present otherwise I will fall over!  My goal for the 100-day challenge is to do a headstand in the middle of the room.  I have to tell you that I have never been one to practice yoga at home, only in a class.  This experience has really helped me discover a self practice with yoga.  

Until next something you enjoy.  You deserve it.

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