Friday, February 8, 2013

Training Update

"I will beat my ass today to kick yours tomorrow-IWBMATTKYT"- The Sufferfest

This is this year's training mantra...

I know it has been awhile- my apologies.  Since my last blog post, I have completed the Tour of Sufferlandia.
A 9 day Sufferfest of bike training videos
During this time, I also maintained training for the Kentucky Derby Marathon.
April 27th!
Even though I should be proud of myself, I don't feel that way.  "So what?  There are people out there who are faster and stronger than I am."  It is a terrible mindset- I shouldn't compare myself to others.  I should compare myself to myself!  I haven't trained so hard in all of my life.

During the tour, this is what training looked like:

Monday:  AM Speed work, Sufferfest and PM Yoga
Tuesday: Sufferfest
Wednesday: AM Run and PM Sufferfest
Thursday: Sufferfest
Friday: AM Swim, Sufferfest, Yoga
Saturday: AM Long run then Sufferfest 
Sunday: AM Sufferfest, Swim and Yoga

I completely burned myself out.  I was running slower, my legs felt like rubber bands and I was cranky.  I had a long talk with myself.  "This is stupid," I said to myself.  "I am working out all of the time and not gaining anything".  

I took a long look at my schedule and modified my training.  Here is my "new and improved" training program from this week:

Monday: AM Speed work and PM Yoga
Tuesday: Sufferfest
Wednesday: AM Run and PM Training to Tri (I didn't go this week- I had a board meeting for work)
Thursday: Sufferfest
Friday: Yoga
Saturday: Long Run
Sunday: Swim and Yoga

I dropped the swim on Friday morning.  I feel really guilty about that because swimming is one of my favorite activities along with practicing yoga.  Logically, I know I need the rest and should be enjoying my 'sleep-in' day, but today I woke up all nervous and jittery that I wasn't at the gym working out at the crack of dawn.  Why am I putting myself under all of this pressure?  Isn't this supposed to be fun and enjoyable?  Isn't this my hobby?

Perhaps 'Beating my ass today to kick yours tomorrow' shouldn't be my mantra.  Perhaps this year's mantra should be 'Train hard, do your best, enjoy the process'.  It just doesn't sound as badass as the Sufferfest mantra.

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