Friday, November 30, 2012

The Power of Intention

“All great acts are ruled by intention. What you mean is what you get.” - Brenna Yovanoff

Always the mantra of a race...
I have been thinking very hard lately of what my intention for 2013 will be.  It finally came to me in a yoga class at Santosha Yoga a couple of weeks ago.  We had a class on arm balances.  I hate arm balances.  No, I LOATHE arm balances.  I can't do them.  I get frustrated and mad.  Yoga sucks when arm balances are involved.  Yes, arm balances elicit a very violent response from me.

So, there I was- struggling to get my legs on my arms, ass in the air, sucking in the abs, clenching the *sshole and of course BREATHING.  God, I hate arm balances.  When Page, the yoga instructor, paused in front of my mat and said, "You can do this.  You are strong enough.  You just don't trust yourself."

It was a revelation.  No, I don't trust myself and I especially do not trust my hands to support me.  This is my problem and I need to work on this.

Drumroll please.....the 2013 intention is to trust myself.  Trust the little voice inside me.  Be confident. Shoot for the stars without abandon and don't hold back.  Believe.

I start my 2013 journey tomorrow by embarking on a 40-day headstand challenge.  Every day, I am going to do a headstand for 3 minutes.  This practice will help me condition my abs, my balance and see the world with a different perspective- upside down.  Hopefully, being upside down will get rid of a couple of wrinkles too... hey, one can hope!

Next week's blog: Why I still hate the bike.

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