Monday, July 23, 2012

Now What?!

"First you write down your goal; your second job is to break down your goal into a series of steps, beginning with the steps that are absurdly easy." Fizhugh Dodson
Arc De Triomphe photo taken in May in honor of the Tour De France finish!

Now that the 1/2 Ironman is over, it is time for some deserved rest and fun workouts.  I have filled my fall schedule with fun bike rides and some 1/2 marathons to maintain this level of fitness that I worked so hard to attain.  

Fun things that are planned in the next couple of months are:

Venus De Miles Bike Ride this coming Sunday in Lake Forest.  It is my first 61 mile bike ride and I am looking forward to the route.  I will report on the ride in next Monday's Blog.

The next adventure is the Dairyland Dare- Grand Fondo Wisconsin on Saturday, August 11th.  I am only going to do the 30-mile route.  It is a very hilly course!

In September, I switch back over to running and am signed up to run the inaugural Brewers Mini Marathon on Saturday, September 22nd.  

The next day, Sunday, September 23rd, I am planning on riding the North Shore Century. I don't know what mileage I will be doing- it depends on the weather.

I am rounding out the season with a final 1/2 marathon on October 21st with the Detroit Half Marathon.   

One thing I learned about triathlon season this year- do more than one triathlon!  I really wished I could have done a sprint or another Olympic.  Next year, I will do a variety of distances for the triathlon instead of pinning everything on one race.  I love triathlons!

I am already starting to think about next year's races.  I would love doing a marathon in the spring and am planning on running my 13th consecutive Indy Mini Marathon.  I will start plotting and planning this fall for next year's adventures.

3 Questions:

Do you plan your races far in advance, or do you spontaneously sign up for races on what sounds good?
A: I plan out my race season.

Do you like to do local or destination races?
A: I love destination races if the budget allows for it.  Otherwise, I am lucky to live in an area that has a vibrant race scene all year around, so I can race local and save some $$.

What was your funnest race?
I loved running the Goofy challenge at Walt Disney World.  It was a blast and I ran it for fun rather than time.

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