Monday, July 9, 2012

Tri Training Recap

“Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever. That surrender, even the smallest act of giving up, stays with me. So when I feel like quitting, I ask myself, which would I rather live with?"- Lance Armstrong

I have been thinking about this quote a lot lately.  Next Sunday is Racine 1/2 Ironman.  I have been training for this thing for over 6 months.  It all comes down to this one day.  This is the only triathlon I signed up for this year. In all of the races that I have trained for, this one I have practiced the most.  My triathlon training group even went to Racine TWICE to train for the swim, bike and run.   I never did that for a marathon.  I usually experience the course on race day- it is part of the deal.  

All of the training is done.  Now is a taper.  As you know, I hate taper week.  I get neurotic.  I feel fat.  I start to doubt.  It's all part of the process.

Next week at this time, I am hoping will be submitting my first race report to you.  

Here is this past week's triathlon training log:

Monday: Yoga, 30-minute swim, 10-mile bike
Tuesday: 5-mile run
Wednesday: 75-minute run, 30-minute swim in Racine.  FYI- did you know that Racine has the largest 4th of July parade in the Midwest?  Now you know!
Thursday: Rest day- to darn hot to run.
Friday: 35-mile bike, yoga
Saturday: 6-mile run (death march) in the sweltering heat
Sunday: 50+ mile bike (my Map My Ride App on my iPhone died right at the end), yoga

Questions to you:
1) What is your race mantra?
Mine is: "Attitude, not Aptitude, will determine your Altitude."
2) What do you do during taper week to calm nerves?
I do a LOT of yoga.
3) What is your favorite pre-race dinner?
My favorite pre-race dinner is spagetti with turkey meatballs, side salad with oil and vinegar and a glass of red wine.  The wine helps calm the nerves and gets me sleepy.

Thank you to all of my friends who gave some very good advice regarding my yoga funk.  After Racine, I am going to completely rework my yoga and workout schedule.  I think I have just become bored with the same routine and need to experiment with some different types of yoga and try some new teachers.  

Three things I am grateful for today:
1) The heat is not so oppressive.
2) The husband passed his colonoscopy!  One less thing to worry about...
3) Puppy Kindergarten for Bakon.  

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