Monday, July 2, 2012

Yoga Uninspired

"In theory, practice and theory are the same.  In practice, they are not."- Yogi Berra
Attempting my best version of King Dancer Pose

I have been practicing yoga since 2004.  On average, I usually attend 3 classes a week.  You would think I would be one of those bendy types, but I am not. No, I still cannot touch my toes, rock out an arm balance or do a handstand in the middle of the room.  I would love to do those things too- I try to every time I practice. I won't do any of those 'fancy' yoga things like Acroyoga either- I'm a sturdy girl, which means I would be the supporter, not the flyer.   Who wants to be that?  Slacklining I would love to try, but let's get real- have you seen any sturdy girls on the slackline?  The answer is no.

As you can see, I have reached a crossroads in my yoga practice.  For the past 6 months, I have been uninspired.  I still go to yoga classes at least 3 times a week, but it's different.  I don't feel at peace.  It hurts to practice.  I am not happy or blissful after a class.  I am just frustrated.  I just go through the motions and breathe, waiting for the spark to start the fire burning once again.  

No, it's not the teachers.  My teachers are wonderful.  They put their heart and soul into class.  They are passionate about the practice of yoga.  It's me.  I'm uninspired.

Three Questions for readers:
1) Have you ever been uninspired with yoga or any sport that you were once passionate about?
2) If so, how did you rekindle the fires of passion?
3) Or, did you change your focus?

I look forward to your comments!

Three things I am grateful for:
1) My new 8-week old goldendoodle puppy Bakon.
2) K9 Playtime for their amazing petsitting service and doggie daycare.  I am glad to be using their services once again!
3) Air conditioning!  Boy, it is hot outside.

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