Monday, June 10, 2013

Knox County SIS Triathlon Race Recap

"It was a good day." - Lisa Frey
This never happens to me.  Usually there is some sort of disaster awaiting me during a race, or I sabotage myself by mentally psyching myself out.  

But not on June 9, 2013.  

It was a day I put the voices to rest.  It was a day where the water temperature was perfect.  It was a day where the air temperature was perfect.  It was partly cloudy and no wind- perfect.

It was my day and I kicked some arse.

The SIS Try occurs in my hometown of Vincennes, IN, but not this year.  The community pool is not open because they are building a new one.  The race was moved to the neighboring city of Bicknell.

When I was little, I went to Bicknell once a year for the Knox County Fair.  It was awesome.  I equate Bicknell with Pronto Pups, demolition derby, carnival rides and 4H.  I love Bicknell, IN.

Bicknell means something different to me today.  It is a wonderful city, who stepped up and hosted a well-organized triathlon.  The residents welcomed us triathletes and cheered us on.  Thank you!

Now to the nitty, gritty race details.

The swim portion of the race took place at Swimland, the local pool.  Some modifications had to be made to put in lane lines and some mesh at the end of the pool to see the end.  Balloons were placed on the lane lines to also assist swimmers where the end of the pool was.  They didn't work out too well, but it was a good idea.  The swim start was allowing one swimmer jump in, swim to the end of the pool then the next swimmer jumped in.  This was perfect for beginner swimmers to have some room to freak out, composed themselves and continue the swim.  It was a 'snake swim' through the pool.  Once out of the pool it was a short distance to the transition area.  I did the swim in 5:16- not my best, but not my worst.  The bonus was that I kept my composure and passed 3 people.  Sweet!

My transition was 1:51.  This is a world record for me.  I was a woman possessed to get on the bike.

The bike route was nice rolling hills on a county road.  It was an out and back route, so you could see other cyclists and encourage them.  The road was so smooth!  We biked to Freelandville and turned around at the fire station to ride back.  I finished the ride in 45:44, which was a 16.8 mile pace AND I passed people (this never happens to me on the bike)!  This is where I saw my biggest improvement.  I give credit to my Sufferfest videos in the offseason, Team TNT, Golden Legs Cycling Club and my cycling buddy, Rebecca Atkinson.  Thank you!

My transition time was 1:37.  Another world record.

The run was hilly and it was challenging.  It was a great course which toured the city of Bicknell.  Since I have only been to the fairgrounds, I enjoyed discovering Bicknell.  I finished the run in 32:05, which was a 10:21 pace.  What?!  I shaved over a minute off of my mile since my injury.

I ended up being 34th out of 117 participants and 5th in my age group.  It was a good day indeed.

The finish was wonderful.  There were massages for the participants and PLENTY of food- chocolate milk, grapes, oranges, cookies, apples, pizza.  Yes, pizza.

There were medals for finishers and special medals for those who have competed in this triathlon for 5 or more years.  That is motivation to do it again.

I would like to thank all of the organizers and sponsors who put on a wonderful triathlon.  More importantly, I would like to thank all of the volunteers.  You were out in force and easy to see with your orange shirts.

I did this triathlon with my sister, Laura.  It was her first triathlon.  She did great!  I am so proud of her. For her first triathlon, she finished 5th in her age group too!  Next year we will be in the same age group.  This could get interesting...

Perhaps I can convince her to do this one again next year?!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Indianapolis Mini Marathon Race Recap

"Do you smell something?  It smells like dog poo."- Lisa Frey
13th Consecutive Indy Mini Marathon
I would have never thought I would run a race 13 consecutive times.  The Indianapolis Mini Marathon was my very first half marathon.  It is also the largest 1/2 marathon in the country.  When I ran it for the first time in 2001, I was blown away.  All of the people running, the bands playing on every corner, the cloggers clogging at mile 4 and the finish- I just fell in love with this race.  Oh, and my sister lives in Indianapolis, so I also had a place to stay.

Speaking of my sister, she ran the Indy Mini for the very 1st time this year.  I was so excited that she was able to run with me and share the awesomeness of this race.  My cousins Edie and Ellen also participated in the Mini for the first time as well.  My tri training buddy Rebecca and her husband Mike ran the race too.  I am proud to say that we all finished the race with smiles on our faces.  
My awesome sister at the finish!  

Packet Pickup:

The Indy Mini Expo is by far one of the best expos I have attended.  This is the expo that I purchase my year's worth of running stuff.  This year was no different.  My sister and I picked up socks (always needed), headbands and of course necessary magnets for my car.  It was raining when we arrived at the expo.  We parked at Circle Center and was able to walk on the covered walkways to the convention center, so we didn't get wet.

Race Day:

We had an inauspicious start to the day.  We woke up early and I took Bakon out for his morning walk.   Bakon did his business.  It was 5AM and it was pitch black.  I couldn't find Bakon's present- I walked around, sniffed- still couldn't find the poo.  I made a mental note to go back after the race to pick up the poo since it was too dark.
We were on our way to the race when I asked my sister if she smelled poo in the car.  She said yes and then asked if I had stepped in any.  I looked at the bottoms of my shoe and didn't find the offensive odor.  Unfortunately, it was on the back of my heel and while inspecting the bottom of my shoe, I had smeared it all over my running capris.  To make matters worse, I then stuck my finger in it to try to scrape it off of my capris.  

We grossed ourselves out and had to roll the windows down so we wouldn't gag.  

Yes, I ran 13.1 miles with poo on my pants.

The Start:

My sister works for Eli Lilly.  They have a WONDERFUL fitness facility at their place of employment- complete with a soccer field, track and state of the art equipment.  Oh, and a smoothie bar.  The fitness facility was a party zone on race day with raffles, water, Gatorade, music, clean pottys and a SHUTTLE to the start.  No walking one mile to the starting line for me this year!  Unfortunately, there was an accident and the shuttle was not able to pick us up, so we still had to walk to the start line. That was a bummer, BUT the shuttle did pick us up at the end to take us back to Eli Lilly.  Lilly had chocolate milk for us when we returned to the fitness center.  It tasted so good.

The Race:

What can I say- Indy puts on one helluva race.  The course is nice and flat.  The only complaint about the course is going over all of the railroad tracks, but that can't be avoided.  It is a blast to go around Indianapolis Motor Speedway.  The bands were great.  The water stations were well-manned and the volunteers enthusiastic.
I especially like the finish of the race.  Over the loudspeakers, they blast the exciting finishes of the Indianapolis 500.  It puts more kick in your pace and makes you feel like a rock star (even if you do have poo on your pants).  


Over the years, I have raced the Indy Mini in blazing heat, in rain and one year in a 40 mph steady north wind.  I have seen people conquer their fears and celebrate the lives of others.  I am so honored to be a part of a celebration of the first time someone has completed a half marathon- like the 20-year old girl who I was talking to in the porta-potty line in the family reunion area.  It is just an amazing community of 45,000 people moving through Indianapolis and Speedway, Indiana on the first Saturday of May.  I am so glad that I am able to be a part of the experience.

Will I run the Mini in 2014?  You betcha!  Gotta keep the streak alive!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Bike Riding Anxiety

"My knickers are in a twist."- Lisa Frey
Me and my ride, Blue

A quick post today to let you into my neurotic world.  

Today is Training for Tri day.  We are supposed to do a 20-mile ride today at 6PM.  My bike is in the shop getting a tune-up and some adjustments.  It should be ready by 5PM.  

I have been looking forward to this bike ride all week.  The weather is perfect, my bike will be perfect and I even have my outfit laid out so all I have to do is come home, change my clothes put the bike rack on the truck, get my bike and RIDE!

Herein lies the rub...I have a 3:30 meeting today.  It is an important meeting.  Already some of the members of this committee have stated that they may be arriving late to the meeting.  I MUST leave work by 4:30 in order for me to get home.  

You know where this is going.  The meeting won't start until 3:45 and will drag on until 5PM.  I am not going to make the ride.  I know this.  I am anxious and starting to get upset about it.  

Why do I do this to myself?  Instead of letting life flow, I have already resigned myself to being anxious, watching the clock and getting my knickers in a twist.  I am not in the moment.  I am already trying to come up with plans to ride by myself.  This also makes me anxious as I do not like to ride on the street by myself for fear of getting hit by a car, especially during rush hour.

If I am late, I could ride with the later group who is doing less mileage.  This upsets me too as I am supposed to do 20 miles, not 15 miles or 10 miles.  This is an 'all or nothing' proposition.  'All or nothing' is another dangerous problem I wrestle with.

This is how I get 'stuck'.  I can feel myself getting 'stuck'.  Why can't I enjoy this beautiful day?  Why can't I be grateful for the volunteers that are coming to the 3:30 meeting?  They are taking time out of their beautiful day to meet with me.  If it so happens that I can make the ride, then so be it.  It is what it is.  

But I don't think like that.  Instead, at 9:30 AM I am already worried about what is (or isn't going to happen) at 6PM.  I am going to lose this day to this worry.  I don't want to do that.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Race Report: The Kentucky Derby Mini Marathon

"Boogidy boogidy boogidy, let's go racin'"- Darrell Waltrip

Hi Folks-

Yes, it has been a while.  I didn't have much to say that hasn't been said already about the Boston Marathon Bombing and my training has been in taper mode, so there really wasn't much I thought I could write about that would be meaningful.

It has been a couple of weeks, but yes, I do have something to talk about: The Kentucky Derby Mini Marathon Race Report!

Last weekend, my friend Rebecca and I traveled to Louisville, KY to run in the Kentucky Derby Marathon.  I ran in the mini marathon and Rebecca did the full Monty.  Rebecca and I ran together until the two races split, which was at mile 9.

We stayed at the Galt House Hotel, which was the host hotel for the event.  It was a nice hotel.  You could take the covered walkway to packet pick-up at the Convention Center.  The start/finish line was only blocks away, which was good to loosen up before the race or to cool down after.

The marathon was not the only event that was using the Galt House Hotel.  Kentucky Muscle, a body building contest, was also holding a contest at the hotel.  Talk about a real mix of people!  Marathon runners + Body Builders = interesting people watching! There were a lot of orange spray-on tan people in bathrobes who carried around full-length mirrors wandering about.
Notice the orange tinge...

Back to the race report...

Packet Pickup:

The packet pickup was located at the Convention Center.  It was easy to get to and well organized.  A nice thing in our packets were disposable gloves for the start of the race- sweet! The marathon packet had a Asics hat in it, the mini marathon packet did not.- incentive to run the full. The expo was ok.  If you forgot something, you could have easily picked it up at the expo.  Humana had a photo booth to take pictures.
Rebecca and I having fun at the Humana booth.  Which way to cross the finish line?  

The Race:

The mini marathon race was well organized.  The route went through many neighborhoods and parks.  The best part was running around the infield at Churchill Downs.  They were exercising the horses so we could watch the horses as we ran around. Beautiful.  I have never been to Churchill Downs- it looks a lot bigger in real life than on TV.  I would love to go someday and watch some races.

At mile 9, the mini marathon split from the marathon and headed back into town.  The race went through the University of Louisville campus.  It was neat to run through the 2013 NCAA Basketball National Champions campus.  For the most part, the mini marathon course was flat with no substantial hills.

The Volunteers:

The volunteers were fabulous!  All water stops were well supported and had plenty of water and Powerade.  

The Finish:

The mini marathon finish was well organized.  We got a Mylar blanket and our medal and then proceeded to help ourselves to some snacks.  There were bananas, peanut butter Ritz crackers, some biscuits, bagels, Sunchips and cookies.  There was plenty for everyone.  The friends and family reunion area actually was the Kroger's Fest-A-Ville.  The Fest-A-Ville had a carnival, a stage for concerts, food and lots of fun.  It was a great place to hang out and wait for Rebecca to finish her marathon.

Kentucky Derby Mini Marathon Medal
The Marathon:

The marathon route went out to Iroquois Park (which was hilly) and back into town.  One word of caution to the back-of-the-pack marathoners: The course closes 6 hours after the start of the marathon (NOT after the last runner starts the race).  If you cannot finish the race in 6 hours, you will be asked to run the rest of the race on the sidewalk.  All water stations were also shut down, so bring your water with you.  

Will I run it again?  

Yes!  I had a great time running the race.   I would run the mini marathon again.  Initially, I was supposed to run the marathon, but got injured with Achilles Tendinitis.  This marathon as well as Detroit's marathon are still on my bucket list.

Next week: 
Indy Mini Race Report

Monday, April 8, 2013

Learning to Forgive Yourself

"People can be more forgiving than you can imagine. But you have to forgive yourself. Let go of what is bitter and move on."- Bill Cosby

It has been a rough winter.  Between a bout with the flu, the weather and Achilles tendinitis, I have just about had it.  I had to adjust my plans of running my 13th marathon at the Kentucky Derby Marathon and move down to the 1/2 marathon.  It is funny, when you cannot run, the more you WANT to run!
No marathon for me...1/2 marathon instead.

I have been going to Bannockburn Chiropractic and Sports Injury Center to get back to running injury-free.  I see Dr. Brian Allen.  He incorporates Active Release Therapy to help with my Achilles tendinitis.
Yes, that is where it hurts.
The real bummer about having Achilles tendinitis is that it affects everything else- my hips, IT Band and of course my low back.  I wrenched my back at the end of February which was a bit of a setback with my recovery.

What was a girl to do?  I tell you what she does, she gains weight!  Boo.

So, I am making a deal with myself.  I have rededicated myself to running, swimming, biking, yoga and eating reasonably.  But this time is different.  Instead of an all or nothing approach that got me injured in the first place, I am only going to try to be great 85% of the time.

Why not 100%?  Because I am human.  Being human means you are not perfect.  You are not 100%, so why set yourself up for failure.  I am going to try to eat great 85% of the time.  I am going to try to make 85% of my workouts.  

Many of you probably think that I am copping out.  I have realized that if I don't make a workout or eat something that is not healthy, then I beat myself up.  It becomes an 'all or nothing' proposition.  If I succeed 85% of the time, then it is a 'win'.  I can still improve and allow myself to be human.  I can forgive myself if I sleep in and don't run.  I can forgive myself for having dessert once (or twice) a week.  Before learning this, I just constantly beat myself up, told myself I was a loser, slacker and how stupid of me to think that I could even attempt to be a runner/triathlete/cyclist/swimmer/yogini!  

That negative chatter doesn't serve anyone.  It holds me back.  It prevents me for being the best Lisa I can possibly be.

Yes readers, I am still doing my 5-minute headstands (almost) every day!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Who Needs a Pep Talk?

"Attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude."- Zig Ziglar

Kid President gives a good pep talk.

"All I wanna be is awesome."- Lisa Frey

In my quest of awesomeness, which I have a LONG ways to go in attaining my perceived awesomeness, I have learned some amazing things.  Here are just a few observations:

  • Awesomeness means getting out of your comfort zone and feeling a bit of discomfort. 
  • When you are out of your comfort zone, you find people to help you along.
  • These people are their own journeys' out of their comfort zone as well.  You are there to help them along! 
My Training for Tri Coach, Nancy, encourages us to get out of our comfort zone in every practice. This week, we did the dreaded time trials in swimming and biking.  After a long day at work and still recovering from the flu, this practice was an easy one to bail on.  If it wasn't for a post on Facebook from a teammate, Melissa, I would have firmly planted myself on the couch.  This post asked for luck in our 10-minute swim.  Immediately, there were words of encouragement from teammates and friends. Some posted their own concerns with the time trial.  After reading this, I reluctantly put my swimsuit on and went to practice.  Thanks friends for that kick in the butt.

Did I post my best time?  Nope.  I'm recovering from the flu- duh.  I was proud of myself because it would have been so easy for me to park it on the couch and hack.

The same goes for my yoga practice.  Starting back in December, I started to practice headstand 5 minutes a day.  Next Friday, I am going start my practice of handstand.  This is going to be interesting since I am afraid to kick up into one.  If I have assistance, then I can do it.  My goal is to kick up into handstand all by myself.  I wonder how many days it is going to take me to get this down?

Headstand practice- I highly recommend.
If you listened to the pep talk by Kid President, then part of all of this is to thank those who have encouraged you.  I would like to thank:

My husband, X-t- every crazy idea I have had, he has always supported and believed in me.

Family: My sister, Laura and my Mom

Running buddies- can you believe we have run thousands of miles together?  Wow.  MAP, Diane, Cathie, Nikki, Sarah- we have solved many of the world's problems.

Training to Tri Coaches- Nancy, Debbie and Stacy

Training to Tri buddies- Karen, Rebecca, Melissa, Jen, MJ, Peggie, Maggie, Linda, Tracie, Kristina, Sherry and Dina...just to name a few.  Special shout out to my triathlon and swim buddy- Carla- I wouldn't be in the pool every week if is wasn't for you!

Yoga Instructors: Silvia, Page, Brooke, Mary, Andrew, Sarah

Work: Laurie and Janice as well as all of the volunteers we work with

And of course, you!  Thank you for reading my blog and being on this journey with me.

Friday, February 15, 2013

I Fought the Flu and the Flu Won

"Sickness shows us what we are"- Latin Proverb

Last Saturday, I went out for my long run.  It was a beautiful day and the run was going pretty good, that is, until mile 10.  I started feeling not very well, so I cut my run short.  I was supposed to run 14 miles, but only got in 11 miles.  I got home, took a shower and over breakfast, I started getting the chills.  I was still in denial.  I was feeling ok, just a little off.  It was cold on the run, perhaps I was just having trouble warming up?

Sunday, I woke up and got in my swim and yoga.  I was still feeling off.  I was going to take it easy for the rest of the day.  Whatever this was, it was going to be a 24-hour virus.  I was convinced.
Thank you X-t for sharing the flu.
But alas, it was not.  Monday, I woke up to the full-blown flu.  Body aches, chills and just overall malaise made for a long day.  I felt nasty.  So nasty that I didn't run or practice yoga, but it didn't stop me from not going to work.  

By Thursday, I was over the body aches and chills and had acquired the hacking cough, runny nose and sore throat.  I also lost my voice.  Today, I still feel awful.

This has really thrown a wrench into training.  This is what this week's training looked like:
Monday: Sick
Tuesday: Sick
Wednesday: An attempt of a 5-mile run that resulted in a 2-mile run. Stupid.
Thursday: Sick
Friday: Sick

What is a girl to do?  I have taken this 'opportunity' to heal myself and rededicate myself to training. I am hitting the reset button.  My plan is to resume where I left off with my training when I feel better.  

The lesson of this whole flu debacle is to not give up training.  Yes, it is a setback.  Adversities such as illness, injury or other responsibilites that cut into training serve a purpose.  The purpose is not to give up.  Nothing is easy and nothing is perfect, which also applies to training.  And, by the way, race day is never perfect either!  These challenges help you adjust to the conditions that you are given- great practice for race day.  At least this is what I am telling myself...

Friday, February 8, 2013

Training Update

"I will beat my ass today to kick yours tomorrow-IWBMATTKYT"- The Sufferfest

This is this year's training mantra...

I know it has been awhile- my apologies.  Since my last blog post, I have completed the Tour of Sufferlandia.
A 9 day Sufferfest of bike training videos
During this time, I also maintained training for the Kentucky Derby Marathon.
April 27th!
Even though I should be proud of myself, I don't feel that way.  "So what?  There are people out there who are faster and stronger than I am."  It is a terrible mindset- I shouldn't compare myself to others.  I should compare myself to myself!  I haven't trained so hard in all of my life.

During the tour, this is what training looked like:

Monday:  AM Speed work, Sufferfest and PM Yoga
Tuesday: Sufferfest
Wednesday: AM Run and PM Sufferfest
Thursday: Sufferfest
Friday: AM Swim, Sufferfest, Yoga
Saturday: AM Long run then Sufferfest 
Sunday: AM Sufferfest, Swim and Yoga

I completely burned myself out.  I was running slower, my legs felt like rubber bands and I was cranky.  I had a long talk with myself.  "This is stupid," I said to myself.  "I am working out all of the time and not gaining anything".  

I took a long look at my schedule and modified my training.  Here is my "new and improved" training program from this week:

Monday: AM Speed work and PM Yoga
Tuesday: Sufferfest
Wednesday: AM Run and PM Training to Tri (I didn't go this week- I had a board meeting for work)
Thursday: Sufferfest
Friday: Yoga
Saturday: Long Run
Sunday: Swim and Yoga

I dropped the swim on Friday morning.  I feel really guilty about that because swimming is one of my favorite activities along with practicing yoga.  Logically, I know I need the rest and should be enjoying my 'sleep-in' day, but today I woke up all nervous and jittery that I wasn't at the gym working out at the crack of dawn.  Why am I putting myself under all of this pressure?  Isn't this supposed to be fun and enjoyable?  Isn't this my hobby?

Perhaps 'Beating my ass today to kick yours tomorrow' shouldn't be my mantra.  Perhaps this year's mantra should be 'Train hard, do your best, enjoy the process'.  It just doesn't sound as badass as the Sufferfest mantra.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Weighing In

“In two decades I've lost a total of 789 pounds. I should be hanging from a charm bracelet.”
 - Erma Bombeck
The Enemy.

Hello Dear Readers-

Yes, I did it.  I stepped on the scale Friday.  I shouldn't have done it.  I am the heaviest I have ever been.  You know what?  I don't care any more.  

I eat healthfully.  I track every morsel of food that goes into my pie-hole.  I eat a mostly vegetarian diet.  I drink two glasses of wine every night and I am not going to stop because I enjoy it.  

I exercise every day.  Here is last week's routine:

Monday: Yoga
Tuesday: Speed work 8x400s with a mile warm up and a mile cool-down
Wednesday: Training to Tri- swim and bike
Thursday: Run 4 miles, Sufferfest Climb
Friday: Swim 1800 yds., yoga
Saturday: Run 10 miles
Sunday: Swim 2100 yds., yoga

I started training from the Kentucky Derby Marathon last week. 

April 27th- my 13th Marathon!  
I finally came to the realization that I would rather be healthy and be able to complete marathons and triathlons, than to worry about a stupid number on a scale.  I am TRUSTING my body to tell me what fuel is going to power me.  By the way, BBQ doesn't work well with speed work.  I learned that lesson last Tuesday.  

Life is too short.  Enjoy moving your body, exercising your mind, fueling your body and playing with friends. 

Changing subjects...
I finished by 40-day headstand challenge.  I am enjoying it so much that I have decided to extend it to a 100 days. 
One of the many photos with Bakon.  More Bakon headstand photos to come- promise!
For me the headstand is meditation.  It gives me time to quiet my mind and focus on my breath.  I must stay present otherwise I will fall over!  My goal for the 100-day challenge is to do a headstand in the middle of the room.  I have to tell you that I have never been one to practice yoga at home, only in a class.  This experience has really helped me discover a self practice with yoga.  

Until next something you enjoy.  You deserve it.

Monday, January 7, 2013

New Year, New Plan, New Routine, Same Sturdy Girl

"When the determination to do well is felt as stress rather than enthusiam, trust yourself more and push yourself less." - Unknown

Happy New Year to All!

Now that the holidays are over, it is time to get back into a routine.  If you recall, my 2013 intention is to TRUST myself.  To that end, I have planned some interesting goals for 2013.

Yes, yes, I do have the usual race calendar goal.  Here is the list of confirmed races for this year:

April 27th:  Kentucky Derby Marathon
May 4th: Indianapolis Mini Marathon
June 23rd: Pleasant Prairie Triathlon (Olympic Distance)
July 21st: Door County 1/2 Ironman
September 23rd:  Canada Army Run (1/2 Marathon)
October 19th: Des Plaines River Trail Races (Marathon)

I would also like to get in a century ride sometime in the fall.  We shall see how things shape up.

So, how does all of this add up in helping me to learn to TRUST myself.  I have changed up my workout routine and have added things that scare me, namely interval training and training by myself.  I love working out with a group, but I need to save some coin.  The training I am doing by myself is on the trainer for cycling.  I have found some cycle training videos to ride called the Sufferfest.  So far so good in keeping my promise to myself to get on the bike and ride after work. They have a 9-day tour of Sufferlandia starting on January 26th.  Each day you complete one of their videos that has been predetermined.  I am going to give the tour a go.
"I Will Beat My Ass Today To Kick Yours Tomorrow" is their tag line.  I'm sold!
I am also on day 38 of my 40-day headstand challenge. I have really surprised myself.  I haven't missed a day.  After the challenge, I am going to keep practicing my headstands every day.  The headstand challenge started as popping up for 3 minutes against a wall.  I am now doing my headstand not as close to the wall (I still need the wall to get up), but I can hold my headstand for 5 minutes all by myself.  After my 5-minute supported headstand, I am practicing my tripod headstand in the middle of the room.  I am not there quite yet, but I can get up into a tuck position.  I am also practicing crow pose.    I am learning to love crow pose after 9 years of practicing yoga...yes, it has taken quite some time to embrace crow pose!
Headstand with Bakon
So now you know the race schedule and my scary, challenging training goals to help with my 2013 intention of TRUST.  What does the workout schedule look like for the first half of 2013?  Here it is:

Monday: Yoga
Tuesday: AM Speed work, PM Sufferfest
Wednesday: Training to Tri
Thursday: AM Run, PM Sufferfest
Friday: Swim, yoga
Saturday: Long run 
Sunday: Swim, yoga

Once the weather gets nicer, the Friday swim will be replaced with an outside cycle and a Sunday cycle will be added.  I am also planning on riding my bike to work on Tuesdays and Thursdays as weather permits.

I wish you luck in achieving your 2013 intention and goals!